Who would have thought that as well as making, baking and carting boxes of our little delights around the county Fancie would have time to be the hottest new Blogger in town? Is there no end to our talents I hear you ask....
Fear not, we are not about to use this as a platform to share our deepest thoughts or tout for a book deal, we just thought it was a nifty way of keeping you updated on what's going into and (more importantly) coming out of the Fancie ovens!!
So, we'll be making regular posts to keep you updated on all things Fancie, starting right now! The website is up and running... and looking great (I feel justified saying that, I had no part in getting the ideas from paper onto the screen infront of you. Thanks Martin!) Click away
http://www.fancie.co.uk/ and sign up for regular updates and our handy little Birthday reminder- our Cupcakes are a clever little trick to easing the pain of being another year older!
So I'll be mainly using this supercool Blog to bang on about new flavours and products, and to spread the Fancie word...
Drop us a line, tell us what the occasion is (Wedding/ Birthday/ Corporate event/ Dinner party/ Bad Hair Day) and we will work our magic...
Our cakes come in all shapes and sizes, so although we love our Cupcakes as much as you do, we are also clever at making bigger creations, tell us exactly what you have in mind and we will get it to you in a jiffy!
We are currently only delivering within Sheffield and South Yorkshire, but get in touch if you aren't within the area and we'll do everything within our power to get to you... We would hate for you to miss out due to geography!
So that's it for now, keep clicking back to see whats new and in the meantime don't forget..... A little of what you Fancie does you good! xx