It's that time of year again...
Despite the moans and grumbles we feel we must make when the first leaves fall or we realise that we no longer need the black out blinds to help us sleep (and then someone reminds you the clocks go back next week- oh joy!) there is something truely wonderful about Autumn. Maybe it's just the fact that the season is changing, and come May next year I will say the same thing but for me, there is nothing more life affirming that seeing your breath in the cold air, or meeting up with friends and watching the night draw in from the comfort of a warm eatery.
This time of year is so wonderful for food too, with Halloween, Bonfire Night and Christmas all on the horizon. The bikini diet is well and truly over and now it is our duty to fatten up so we have reason to declare our New Years Resolutions and avoid chocolate for the whole of January- or at least for the first week!
I am so lucky in my job to be able to use the things that inspire me in life to create wonderful treats for our customers. Every Friday, we sit down and plan the specials for the week ahead, finding out what our grocer has a glut of and working with that or tweaking a recipe found in an old magazine.
We are currently working on our Christmas flavours which are always fun to create, mixing old techniques with new flavour combos.
Fancie is open 7 days a week, every week up until Christmas Day- so no excuses not to come and visit!